Home All Very Interesting SAR-8

Very Interesting SAR-8

SAR-8 Sniper Clone
I feel like the original owner was trying for the PSG1 Look.

While perusing a gun store, I ran across a very interesting G3 variant. The SAR-8 imported by Springfield Armory. These guns are ancient. Some folks like them, the HK guys probably don’t. 

SAR-8 Sniper Clone
Left side markings.

But…what I liked about this particular SAR was how it’s configured. The rifle isn’t being sold as anything more than what it is: A SAR with some parts bolted to it. However, it is clear the previous owner wanted to get as close to a PSG1 as he could afford. 

SAR-8 Sniper Clone
I feel like the original owner was trying for the PSG1 Look.

Did we buy it? No. At least not yet. But it certainly is something we absolutely would buy. 

SAR-8 Sniper Clone
Right side markings.





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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