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Market Report – Beretta AR-70

Market Report - Beretta AR-70
Market Report - Beretta AR-70

So…we own a Beretta AR-70. Had it a while. It wasn’t crazy expensive when we purchased it. And since we’ve had it, I don’t pay attention to the prices. Why? Again…we already have one. No need to buy two. 

So let me tell you a funny story…

I recently heard about a gun store north of me in Dayton, Ohio: Palmer Guns. What I heard was, “He has lots of MILSURP. He has lots of collectable guns. He has a lot of old, used stuff”. 

Great. Right up my alley. 

So the next time business took me to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, I swung by Palmer Guns. And that is when the fun started!

Market Report - Beretta AR-70
Beretta AR-70. Palmer Guns.

It’s a small shop. Not too much inventory. You can always tell that when you enter a place and see them hang inventory horizontally. Shops do this to make the walls seem full. But a shop with a lot of inventory has to rack, long guns, vertically. Or what we call in the biz, “High density storage”. Once you recognize it, you can’t unsee it. But I digress.

Market Report - Beretta AR-70
Honestly I was surprised at $5500. I figured 3ish.

Looking around the store, they do have a quite a bit of older, pre-ban stuff. Just sitting out on the walls. Horizontally. AUGs, Valmets, Beretta AR-70, German stuff, Russian stuff, belt-fed stuff, etc, etc, etc. 

Market Report - Beretta AR-70
Gunbroker 6200! Hmmm…maybe Palmer was priced correct?

Start looking at the prices and quickly I realize that while these guns are for sale, they are probably in the owners personal collection. What I mean is they seem to have Gunbroker prices, not street prices. 

Market Report - Beretta AR-70
Beretta AR-70. 8k! Holy crap!

Basically the owner has them out as decoration, and if someone will give him the price, he’ll sell it. But these guns are really window dressing. (I’ve seen that same tactic at gun shows, BTW). So I take a few pics. Chat up the folks at the store and head out. No big deal. 

Later on that night, I was wondering…what do Beretta AR-70’s list for on Gunbroker? 

Market Report - Beretta AR-70
Beretta AR-70/90. Might even be a parts kit build. $9000!!! How?

Hole-Lee-Chit! When did all this mess happen? 8k! 9k! Is that Gunbroker window dressing? Or are these guns transacting at that price?! Has the market changed that much? 

Or am I suffering from Old Man Disease? That’s when old guys look at current prices and complain, “Back in my day, a chicken sandwich cost a nickel! This is highway robbery!”. 

Let me know in the comments below. What are Beretta AR-70’s bringing in your neck of the MILSURP woods? 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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