Tag: 12 gauge
Shotgun Security Overkill?
Admittedly I am not a big wing shooter. I have one Browning O/U that has been in my possession for almost 20 years. But...
SHS-27: Excell Shotgun (Benelli clone)
So what we have here is very interesting shotgun. Especially for the price. In essence it is a clone of a very expensive Benelli...
Shooting the VEPR-12 w/Friends
With all the hoopla going around over the VEPR sanctions, I have noticed increased traffic on our VEPR based content. Specifically, Freeze’s VEPR-12 shotgun.
Parker Brothers Shotgun
About a year ago, I happened to come across a old Parker Brothers Shotgun. It was dirty and had years of crud on it,...
Mossberg 500 Slugs on Steel
Those who have followed us for a while know the Freeze hunts quite a bit with a Mossberg 500 shotgun. Actually, it’s Mossberg’s economical...