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Tag: Beretta AR70

Market Report - Beretta AR-70

Market Report – Beretta AR-70

So…we own a Beretta AR-70. Had it a while. It wasn’t crazy expensive when we purchased it. And since we’ve had it, I don’t...

Armory Chat 35: Mail Time

It’s the holiday season and things are slow around here. So it’s time to open some mail! References to items discussed: Valmet M76 Rifle Beretta AR70   Book: Small...

AR70 Magazine Fix

It’s been a while since I discussed the Beretta AR70 (AR-70 — AR/70 — AR70) rifle. It’s a pretty cool gun from a different...

Armory Chat EP14 — The People Have Spoken

It appears folks have chosen the 223 FN FAL as the first rifle to shoot some drills with. In order of votes: FN FAL 223. SIG...

Video — Fixing AR70 Mag Trick

Put this video together as an alternative to some planning stuff with a Winchester 52C. A massive lightening storm drove me indoors. While I...

The John1911 Podcast Episode 37

Episode 37 of the John1911 Podcast. **I apologize for the degraded sound quality on Freeze's connection. It's a software issue we will have addressed before...