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Tag: John1911

Wearing Out Your Reloading Equipment

This fall a friend and I went out to test some loads for a new rifle of his. A Weatherby in 257WBY. What does this...

Video — Checking Torque on SCAR-16

After complete disassembly of the SCAR-16, we took it out to conform the screw torque settings were holding. This is just a small segment...

Cheap Trigger Guard Holster

While waiting for my replacement AIWB holster from Keeper’s Concealment I decided to break out some cheapie, “gun-show special” holsters to see if they...

Building A “Ghost Gun”

A so-called 80-percent receiver is an AR-15 lower receiver that is 80-percent finished. Depending on the material and the manufacturer, you can finish them...

Armory Chat EP 10- A New Direction

We have decided to change our focus of the business. So many of you have expressed an interest in the "Shooting guns & Having...

Short Video — Cleaning the 243

All the cool kids like the latest and greatest calibers 6-6.5mm calibers. But I have come to believe that .243 is a very interesting...


I think "rigged" is a bit too strong and maybe misleading. I do not believe there is any concerted attempt by those who run...

Video — Fixing AR70 Mag Trick

Put this video together as an alternative to some planning stuff with a Winchester 52C. A massive lightening storm drove me indoors. While I...

Confirming Zero Texas Pig

One thing that continues to amaze me as I progress along in my hunting career are the amount of hunters who not confirm rifle...

We are on Snap Chat

Just some new business to post. We are expanding our social media presence to multiple outlets. The thinking is when one of the majors...