Tag: Vepr 12
Shooting the VEPR-12 w/Friends
With all the hoopla going around over the VEPR sanctions, I have noticed increased traffic on our VEPR based content. Specifically, Freeze’s VEPR-12 shotgun.
Vepr 12 Slugs for Deer
A curious reader wanted to know more about shooting deer with the Vepr 12. This may seem odd to some, but not all states...
POTD — Freeze’s Cleaning Table
Just after deer season finished up, I had stopped by Freeze’s home to drop off some gear. And as luck would have it, he...
2015 Freeze’s 11-Point Buck
For some of our new readers, if you haven’t quite figured it out yet, the owners of tacticaltshirts.com have diverse areas of expertise and...
Vepr 12 with Bushnell Red-dot Sight
One of the issues many people have with the modern gold-standard of red-dot sights (AimPoint IMO) is the price. The latest iterations of the...
Vepr 12 AK Style Shotgun By Scott Mayer
The first time I encountered an AK-47-styled shotgun was back in 1998 when I was on the NRA Technical Staff and European American Armory...