Home Authors Posts by Marky


Writer for john1911.com. Co-Host of the John1911 Podcast. Video content provider for John1911-TV. Areas of focus: Defense and National Security, Modern Light Weapons, Small Arms, Weapons Training.

Chocolate Stick Grenade – Potato Masher

I love the internet for reasons like this. If any of you are planning on getting me candy for my Easter Basket, I respectfully...

Setting Up Slide-Lock Reload Drills

I have two ways I generally setup reloading drills on pistols. My preferred way is to put a single round on one magazine and...

Magic Marker Rear Sight Blackout

I have a schizophrenic mind when it comes to night sights on handguns. I like my pistols to have tritium inserts for both front...

Home Made De-Jammer Tool

Had someone ask what the brass rod is for? That’s simple. A home-made squib tool / de-jammer. It’s longer to be able to handle...

So I Forgot My Staple Gun

Thought I would share an unflattering story. I’ve been shooting quite a bit of steel and wanted to change it up. Need to focus...

Katanga Gendarmes

I recently saw this photograph and thought it might be of interest to both our older and younger readers alike. Our older readers will recall,...

POTD – Easter Eggs at the Mayer House

Scott is a neat guy. Imagine being a young child and having your father be a longtime gun-industry professional. In the Mayer household, it’s...

The Regressive Left

Whenever I run into a Lefty who claims to be a secular, atheist, humanist who opposes the "right" as bigots when EVEN DISCUSSING the...

Traveling in the US with a Rifle

It seems the latest rage in the gun-community is low-profile rifle bags. While I completely agree with the concept, I have never seen one...

POTD — Fantasy German Sniper

I have always felt there are generally two types of people in the gun community. Collectors and shooters. The collectors want everything original, correct,...

WWI Colt Detail Strip

This is a belated followup to a post from last year. We rescued a WWI Colt 1911…literally a pre-WWI manufactured gun…from the “wanna-be armorer...

Video- How to Move a Gun Safe

Scott Mayer sent us this video from SHOT Show 2016. In the past, we have used professional safe movers who have something called a...

Rare Austro-Hungarian Army Training Video For Steyr-Hahn Pistol

Our resident historian recently found an old Austro-Hungarian Army training video on the manual of arms for the WWI Steyr Hammer pistol. AKA the...

Graphic – Shooter Puts 22-250 Through Foot

This was sent to us by a reader who wanted us to pass it along. It is my understanding that a shooter was unloading...


This photo was taken in August of 2015. As I type it is January of 2016. I had been carrying this VP9 since the...