Home Authors Posts by Marky


Writer for john1911.com. Co-Host of the John1911 Podcast. Video content provider for John1911-TV. Areas of focus: Defense and National Security, Modern Light Weapons, Small Arms, Weapons Training.

Winchester 52 First Shots

Old School Unertl Scope Adjustments
I picked up a Winchester 52c from an estate auction earlier this year. It's a pretty attractive setup and I was very lucky to...

Liberator STT Tactical Light

First-Light Liberator STT.
I have had this flashlight for a number of years. I used to use it at work extensively. The construction is a little bit...

POTD: My Retired 1911

POTD: Picture of the Day. It's been a while since this old gun of mine has seen some sunlight. It's my old 1911 I...

Mossberg 500 12 and PDX Ammunition

Mossberg 500 with PDX Ammo.
We invited some close friends and family to come out with us to Mitchell's Range. The guesst were asked to bring any home defense...

Are You Smarter Than A Professional Bodyguard?

I posted this picture earlier this year. In the Greater DC area, I was at an event that had 3 rings of security. Traffic...

NEOPOD: A High Quality Plastic Bipod?

Yesterday, I took delivery of a new bipod being made by a company called Steinert Sensing Systems out of Norway. The name is Neopod...

MTAC Holster for VP9

Freeze has also switched to the HK VP9 as his CCW gun. His holster of choice is the MTAC hybrid holster made by Comp-Tac....

Carry the Pistol You Want to Carry

Since I mentioned Glocks in a recent post, I have been getting some questions about what my preferred Glock is? My opinion is somewhat...

Kimber Government CMP 22 Rifle

A few months back I picked up a Winchester 52 from an estate sale. Came with Redfield sights and a Unertl optic. It was...

Pic of Day: Bullet in the Dryer

9mm 124g FMJ in DryerIf you are an avid shooter, this situation will be familiar to you. I was opening my dryer the other...

Sheepdog Equipment Reality Check

In the news this week, there was a report that Mississippi State University had an active shooter on campus. Thankfully for everyone involved, the...

S&W 547 Front Sight Paint

Pro-Tip. I like to shoot accurately. But I also like to shoot fast. As least as fast as I am capable while maintaining accuracy....

Combat Gauze – Medical Dorks & Swat Doc’s

Soapbox Alert.   Can we be real for a minute? Most shooters don't have much of anything along the lines of a first aid supplies. And...

Video: A Friend Shooting His FNS9 Pistol

A friend wanted to shoot his FNS9 on steel. Not bad. Especially for a guy who's almost 70. What's your excuse?       Marky www.tacticaltshirts.com www.john1911.com "Shooting Guns & Having...

Video: Shooting for Time HK VP9 LE

Shooting the Hk VP9 for time on steel. When you are trying to get faster, it is important to keep pushing yourself on the...