Home Authors Posts by Marky


Writer for john1911.com. Co-Host of the John1911 Podcast. Video content provider for John1911-TV. Areas of focus: Defense and National Security, Modern Light Weapons, Small Arms, Weapons Training.

SPAS-12 Broken Buffer Confirmed

As we reported earlier, the SPAS-12 shotgun starting falling apart as soon as we racked it. As suspect, the original rubber buffer system has...

Building Gun Racks

We have a fair amount of racks here in the armory. In the very beginning, we purchased pre-fabricated shelving. But over time, it became...

Armory Chat Ep20: Q&A

I was traveling quite a bit over the last few weeks. So figured it was a good opportunity to start a Q&A segment that...

Video — Mexican Marines Using Mini-guns Against Cartels

Since El Chapo has been transferred to US custody, a power vacuum has opened up in some Cartel organizations. As clearly as I can...

Why Are Tactical Trainers Insecure about the The Super Bowl?

Confession. I didn’t watch the Super Bowl where the guy lead the team, from a huge deficit, against the other guy and his team....

Responsible Gun Owner Tag

Freeze sent me these pictures way back during the summer. I just simply forgot about them. But as someone who lived through the bad...

Replacement Keepers Concealment Holster Issue

It has displayed a bad tendency that I will need to clean up. When the holster is under compression, it ejects the pistol magazine during...

Shorty Shotguns

These shorty shotguns have been making a comeback since the 2017 SHOT show. At least in force since then. They were quite popular in...

FAL Blooper Video

When you plan on filming in slow motion but push the wrong button on your camera. What can I say? We're still learning cameras....

Fox Frozen in Danube

These images came out of Europe in the Danube River region. Locals discovered this fox perfectly frozen in ice. Eyes open. Suspended lifelike. I am...

Life Imitates Art

The Left is in need of some serious soul searching before they get behind the curve on this. Let me explain....   The media isn't going to...

Leopard Attacks Jackal Hunting Party

These photos are coming out of South Africa. They are pretty gruesome by big-city standards, but I think interesting. And informative. As it is being...

Secret Service Fake Arm to Hide Rifle?

Now that former President Obama has crossed the finish line, folks like me can breathe a sigh of relief. Somewhat. He’s still the President...

Human Sized Steel Target

We wanted a bigger piece of portable steel. Found this 18" wide human silhouette. Pretty interesting. While not every hit would be a A-zone...

Video — Disassembly of SCAR 16 Piston

I get this question usually from people interested in picking up a SCAR rifle. How easy is it to clean the gas system /...