Home Authors Posts by Marky


Writer for john1911.com. Co-Host of the John1911 Podcast. Video content provider for John1911-TV. Areas of focus: Defense and National Security, Modern Light Weapons, Small Arms, Weapons Training.

Bandolier of 303 Ammo

Freeze found a bandolier of 303 ammo that was long forgotten. Will come in very handy when we break out the Ross Rifle. Marky John1911.com "Shooting Guns...

Range Update: Steel Target on T-Post

We had an issue with one of the steel target designs I have selected for the new rifle range. Bottom line, the stand sold...

Range Construction — Prone Shooting Deck

One of the shooting positions I personally use quite a bit is the prone. At the main shooting station, aka the Briar Patch, we...

RPG-26 Aglen Anti-Tank Weapon

We briefly discussed this weapon in a video published last week. Those of you who watched it know it came into our possession by...

Armory Chat 33: Mail Time RPG-26 and More…

We have finally decided to start a simple mail sent to the armory video series. Some of the stuff we get in is pretty...

Christians as Zombies?

It’s something isn’t it? When a lefty makes an argument for gun control, they tend to refer to “Christians” or “churches” or “country music...

Armory Chat EP32 — BREN Reactivation Project Update

Ok. We approach this project with eyes wide open. The BREN display gun was picked up on the cheap. So much so, it’s worth...

The Payoff

When setting up Infrastructure on one of the new ranges, there’s no reason why I can’t also squeeze in a little trigger-time to boot? For...

Blaser LRS-2 / Tactical-2 Magazine Repair

Wanted to seek some advice from the community about a magazine issue I am having. I can’t help but wonder if there is something...

European Rifle Burst Test

These videos were filmed quite a long time ago and have been on the internet for years. They came to my attention when I...

M16A1 Furniture is Hard to Find?

Something weird start happening after I posted some videos of our Colt SP1. Numerous people were commenting and e-mailing asking where they can get...

POTD — HK VP9 Glamour Shot

I had a chance to cross paths with a professional photographer the other day. He had the typical giant camera with an even bigger...

What to do if Your Red Dot Dies Mid-String

If you are in the middle of a shooting string or in need and your red dot craps out, it’s not the end of...

Laying out of Blaser R8 Calibers

This post is in response to a very direct question I received about the Blaser R8 system. Specifically the caliber change feature. The sender...

Wanna Shoot My New Steel Targets?

While working on the new range, I took a break from trail cutting to play with some of the new steel that showed up...