Tag: Gun Range
SCAR-20 517 Yard Group
SCAR-20 517 Yard Group
I took these pics over the summer. Doc was going through his 155g load testing protocol for the SCAR-20. Needless to...
POTD – 7 Hours of Bush Hogging
The bad news is I have been bush hogging for 7 hours. The good news is the bush hog actually ran for 7 hours!...
Spot The Steel
So let me expand on this topic to illuminate points for the reader. The target is something that does not occur in nature. A...
Wilson Scorable Steel Target Arrives
Getting some old business out of the way. We have been playing with a Wilson Combat Scorable Steel Target system. Since the entire thing...
Rifle Range – Why T-Posts
So you want to build a rifle range but you are not sure what configuration you should choose for rifle range targets? Let me...
Rant – Why Our Facility Is Private
I broke my own rule and let someone talk me into allowing a civilian to shoot on the John1911 range. Even this rant doesn't...
Poacher Patrol 2020
In the last week of gun season, I make it a habit to patrol the property for trespassers and poachers. You would think opening...
Painting Target Backer
Range setup lesson. Paint the pistol pit target backers black. I print A LOT of 8.5x11 targets. This helps with transitions and all that...
POTD – Bush-Hog Killer
It’s time to start cutting the John1911 range. Which means bush-hog FOD walks. Look what I found today:
Old barbed wire fence.
Yowza! And here’s the...
Rifle Position Retaining Wall
We have mostly been shooting precision rifles from under the shelter. And with that, I have neglected to admin a problem at the main...
10 Hours On The Range
This was a long day. The first half we hosted some shooters who were putting in their time.
What happens when they are done and...
Sunset On The Range
Very long day on the range. Productive. But long.
The sunsets up here are always a sight to behold.
Deer Stand From Heaven
While checking trails on the property last week, the sun just happened to glint off a red object to my right. It looked like...
Suppressor – Getting That First Tax Stamp
I have been around guns most of my life. Additionally I have been in the industry for quite a long time. Hell! Being around...
POTD – Timed Hostage Rescue Shot
Doc and I at the Cool-Kid-Range practicing a timed, multi-target, hostage rescue shot.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”